
Good Bottle Refill Shop

Shop their collection of natural and sustainable products for all of your refill needs. Shop in their Maplewood location or online for pickup or delivery!

They are a refill shop. Instead of constantly rebuying throw-away containers with product in it, you re-use your containers to only buy the products. For instance, rather than buying yet another plastic bottle of hand soap, you would wash the old bottle, and refill it with more hand soap. You take your empty container to this sort of shop. You or an attendant will weigh the container, refill it with more hand soap, then weigh and pay. You only pay the weight of the product, not the container. You may use any container you want.

Their containers are aesthetically pleasing and made of either glass or metal, if you’re house is prone to dropping things. Either make your eco footprint much lighter. The added benefit of this refill store is that they deliver! So, when you’re nearly done with your re-usable shampoo bottle and other refills, you place an order with them to swap the empties for full ones. All you do is rinse them out, stick them in a bag on your doorstep, and on the day of delivery, you get full containers. Think of it as a modern day milk delivery service for these products.

They refill a wide range of eco-friendly products. You may want to start with their most popular products which are laundry detergent, dish soap, and hand soap. However, there’s a wide assortment of products they refill. They range from castile soap to wood polish to kids body wash to pecans. Yes, they even carry pantry items such as French lentils, gluten-free spiral pasta, coffee beans from Paper Plane Coffee Co., and a lot more.

In addition to the refill options, they carry reusable facial rounds, Meow Meow tweet deodorant sticks, Swedish dish cloths, Unpaper towels by Marley’s Monsters, all purpose spray tablets that dissolve in water, and the list goes on. 

Imagine how many bottles of these products you buy, use, and toss each year. Refilling here would make you feel that you are doing some good in this world. Good. As in Good Bottle Refill Shop.


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